Tuesday, October 7, 2008

FORUM 3: Homosexuality in Children's Literature

In one of Néstor's comments to Vanesa's post (here), he wondered about the inclusion of such topics as homosexuality in children's literature. This issue is in a way also connected to our second forum discussion, the one about homosexuality, the Anglican church and the risk of a schism (here).

I though it would be interesting to share opinions on this issue. Do you think it right that literature for children cover this controversial topics?


Anonymous said...

Hello Simud, as you said in the article stuck on the blog, I asked myself if homosexuality can or can not be introduced as topic or theme for children’s literature in our society. I mean, I do not remember the existence of homosexuality in children’s literature 28 or 25 years ago. I remember we were accustomed to read Maria Elena Walsh tales or Horacio Quiroga tales and watch Capitan Piluso TV programme. Obviously, this doubt does not imply I am discriminating, it’s simply a doubt I have. On the other hand, are there any other approaches referring to this issue apart from that of the church which seems to be that of rejection? Okay, thanks, bye

Anonymous said...

I think that topics such as religion,homosexuality and racism are controvertial issues which should not be included in children´s literature.Children are not mature enough to analyse these complicated features so as to give their points of view...they need to grow up within a warm atmosphere, dealing with topics according to their age.In the future they will have the opportunity to do so...

kenap4 said...

Em... I do not agree with you, fla.. (sorry!!) But I think that being "homosexual" is something quite common these days. In fact, we, as teachers, should teach one of, what I consider, the most important values: respect. If we accept that people are not "the same" in all parts of our world, as well as we see that there are people with different religion or different skin colour, our children will learn to live without structured schemes of "right" and "wrong," "good" or "bad."
If a black child is read only books with white people in it, or men loving women only, WE are spreading racism, and reluctance to homosexuality.
Nowadays we may find many books, films or cartoons for children, in where the "happy ending" includes a big family, a mother, a father, a brother and a sister, all eating togheter next to the "warm" chimney... That's no real, I mean, if a child has only a mother or if he only lives with a granny, he may feel excluded from all this "happy things." The same happens with religion or sexuality. I think that there must be literature for all, and parents may decide what to read to their children...

Anonymous said...

Hi, I guess everything should be discussed on the grounds of possibilities as anything has been taken for granted yet when dealing with such controversial issues. Paraphrasing Flavia, she seems to say that homosexuality should be left aside or postponed when children are more grown up, which is logical. On the other hand, Kenap's argument might also have something truthful. She argues that if homosexuality in children books is not included, a teacher might contribute to spread racism and homophobia. In adittion to this, she emphazises the fact that books have always been teaching men that love only women, which is natural, but forgot to include that homosexualism includes women that love women. I guess that the issue is somewhat controvertial for small children to grasp yet and Flavia might be somewhat right although kenap's arguments might have a revealing message.

Anonymous said...

People,we were discussing about the implementation of this controvertial topics in children´s LITERATURE.It is something different from teching important values of life or deal with these common issues of the present.It does not mean that these features can no be mentioned when children are present or should be hidden...It would be an act of homophobia and racism...I am open minded about all these issues and I think you have not understood what I meant...I just refered to children´s literature based on these complicated features...Anyway,all points of view are very important and valid!!!

Anonymous said...

I am on the opinion that reading is a very good way of learning, and teaching this to children is the better way to help kids to be critical during their lives. I read books since I remember because my parents taught me through the example while I was a youngster. I remember that I read what I wanted and not only literature for children because my parents were by my side to help me understanding and share points of view. So I firmly believe that there mustn´t be a limit for reading, I think that the limit must be the children´s interest. And some topics as homosexuality ,in this case, are real and actual topics that shared with parents, can help kids to understand existent differences among people and not teach them that sexuality is a taboo.VERONICA.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I don't think that sexuality, religion or racism should be included in Children's Literature. It is true that we cannot leave aside those topics but nowadays we must pay attention to the books which are being reading by children. There are a lot of books that are not appropiated for them. We should encourage children to read but we always have to guide them about reading.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I don't think that sexuality, religion or racism should be included in Children's Literature. It is true that we cannot leave aside those topics but nowadays we must pay attention to the books which are being reading by children. There are a lot of books that are not appropiated for them. We should encourage children to read but we always have to guide them about reading.

Anonymous said...

I think that it isn’t right that literature for children cover controversial topics such as homosexuality. I agree with Fla and Vane that Children are not mature enough to read those complicated topics. Children have all their life to read those things, Haven’t they? Those literatures are for us, adults, who are complicated but not for children who have innocent and pure lives. But well, it is only my opinion. Nowadays, there is a lot of literature with different topics, so children’s literature depends of each parent.

Anonymous said...

I think it´s all right to include homosexuality in children´s literature, because that´s how the world is, I mean, there´s nothing wrong with homosexual people and besides, children need to know about different ways of being to face nowadays lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

I think our children's literature has to include real life events and children, will take them naturally, more natural than adults who are used to accuse and to judge in the wrong way.

Ye Pereyra said...

In my opinion, including homosexuality in children´s literature is a good way of helping them to be critical. We, adults,do have to show them all the possibles way a person can take.